4 Week Meditation Challenge with Jessica

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Just in time for Mercury Retro, and some really intense planetary alignments in October— this month may feel a little birth canal-like, an energetic “squeeze”, just the PERFECT time to increase our meditation practice, calm the mind, and connect to divine channels through tending our inner life.

Each Sunday for 4 weeks in October you’ll receive two meditations from me to practice throughout your week. I’ve just finished charging up these element mantras from Swami Sri Kaleshwar and I’m so happy to share the benefits with others. I’m also offering some of my own that I use regularly in my yoga classes. My hope is that you will simply increase your time in meditation; maybe that’s three times a week. Ideally the goal is to get to 40 min a day! Maybe that’s 20 in the morning at 20 at night or maybe it’s all in one sitting! Some of the meditations i offer you can listen to lying down. One you can do in the bath!

WEEK ONE: Get Grounded
—Guided Meditation: Clearing, Grounding, Opening (10 min)
—108 Sung Earth Mantra (30 min)

—Guided Meditation: Soul Retrieval (10 min)
—108 Sung Fire Mantra (30 min)

WEEK THREE: Flowing Open
—Guided Meditation: 10, 000 Lotuses of Light (10 min)
—108 Sung Water Mantra (30 min)

WEEK FOUR: Spirit Fly
—Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness Meditation (10 min)
—108 Sung Water + Sky Mantra (40 min)

I’ll also give you access to my library of yoga videos from my on line classes in 2020 so you can throw some yoga practice in the mix too.

You’re also invited to join me Sunday mornings for a group meditation from 11-11:30 Central Time to practice together, to send powerful collective intentions out in the world, and have some accountability for keeping up your practice.

Meditation through connecting with the five sacred elements helps heal our connection to love in all creation, expressing itself through these forms which make up our universe— and our bodies. Ready to take on the challenge? (Energy exchange $108)

Want to hear more? Here’s my 12 min info-mercial about the program. I share my first traumatic meditation experience and how meditation changed my life in crisis: