Introducing Taraloma Mystery School 2021

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Introducing Taraloma Mystery School, a place for on-line learning and sacred community. My first course is called: Jesus and The Goddess, Reckoning Christianity & the Divine Feminine. This course will be an initiation into the Goddess mysteries for women who are curious about re-claiming our Christian roots in integrity with the divine feminine face of God. In history, Goddess culture has often been cast outside of Christian orthodoxy and put in the category of pagan. Plus we have this dark history of witch burnings and women banned from the offices of the priesthood. This course will reckon with historical challenges and spark new pathways for our spiritual thriving. We will explore the sacredness of the feminine essence of God within the biblical texts, revisit Jesus' teachings, meet Mary again, hear personal stories, and explore ancient histories with fresh eyes. Our gatherings will include centering meditations, embodied breathwork, and offer support in creating a personal connection to the divine mother within us all.

Future courses on deck at Taraloma Mystery School 2021 include: An Introduction to Jung, Prenatal Yoga, Transforming Trauma, and Intro to Astrology. Stay tuned!

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6 WEEKS TUESDAYS 12-1:15 CT on Zoom

(join live or view recordings available to all participants)

Jan 5: A God Who Looks Like Me, Psychological implications when the divine is only male, recovery of our sacred feminine selves

Jan 12: Alternative Her-Stories, Remembering the ancient priestesses & oracles, exploring “Christian” taboos of feminine power

Jan 19: Meeting Jesus Again, Gospel stories & Jesus’ relationship with women

Jan 26: Meeting Mary Again, The Gospel of Mary & other traditions of Mother Divine

Feb 2: The Fall & Restoration of Sophia, Archangels, Archons & reclaiming our spiritual sight

Feb 9: Inanna & Ereshkigal, An initiation: becoming the queen of our underworld, becoming the resurrected woman


Is this you…?

  • You were raised Christian or identify Christian and have some reservations or questions (or gaps in your ancient memories) about the divine feminine lineage and how it actually does not require you to reject your faith or Jesus.

  • OR you experienced Jesus & Christianity as a part of your feminine oppression and yet something is calling you to sift through the bath water to find the baby again. You may have felt the pull to choose between the ‘liberated woman’ and the ‘faithful woman’—and yet—you can be both!

  • You’re open to learning new perspectives on old religion

  • You may be a mom or a wife feeling overwhelmed or isolated with quarantine, challenges of homeschool, housework, and looking for some stimulating wise women conversations to spark inspiration through the dark days of winter.

  • You know the benefits of weekly intentional gatherings and may suspect that a small group of women can make powerful ripples together.


This is me…

I’ve been teaching yoga for the past seven years (a student for 19 years), enjoying the bhakti path of singing mantras, and studying the Holy Womb purification practice with Swami Sri Kaleshwar. I see clients through my spiritual business Taraloma Earth Temple where I offer private yoga instruction, energy healings, and intuitive readings (now on-line). I also speak and sing around town on occasion. I have birthed three kids, I’m a mom to five, mom of cats and guinea pigs, and wife to a computer whiz.

I’ve authored three books through Taraloma Earth Temple Publications: Detoxing God is a memoir where I work through being raised in a conservative Christian military family, and how rediscovering the Goddess helped me through some childhood trauma. My most recent book, The Circle of the Fall, Scenes from a Cosmic Tale, is a Greek styled imaginary adventure through time. And Paper Cranes is my first book of poetry.

I worked in The Episcopal Church of Chicago for ten years as a Youth Minister and Family Ministries Associate and taught creative confirmation classes, led sexual abuse prevention programs, and guided teenagers across the country on summer service work trips. I’m certified as a Dove Oracle Priestess with intuitive training, a level III Reiki practitioner, and 230 hour yoga certified. I am a graduate of St. Olaf College where I studied religion and majored in psychology and graduated cum lade. I’m also a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary where I received a Masters of Arts in Theology.

After my education, I began to feel like my head was disconnected from my body. I also began having night terrors. I started work with a therapist and through years of dream work and psychoanalysis I discovered the enlivening presence of the Goddess within which helped me heal in profound ways. At the time when I was working in the church I began to question why there wasn’t any divine feminine language in the liturgy and I felt I was up against some kind of ancient rift that happened when Mary Magdalene presented the red egg to Ceaser. I’ve been deepening my exploration of the divine feminine ever since and incorporating this work into my yoga practice and daily life. For such a long time, I felt lost in the wordless landscape of the ineffable, buried under some heaviness lurking in my body. Resurrection, I believe, is an ongoing work to clear, charge and expand the light of our own being.

I’m excited to offer this course, connect with other women on these topics, and share what I’ve learned along the way!

*Early bird prices through December 26. Registration Closes January 1.
