Stars in the sky
The sun is new
Born again from the darkest night
Christ light
Sacred Wisdom.
We open to receive
Light shining down to Earth
Make us new
Grant us hope
Lead us on the path of love
Until we find ourselves home
Among all that is sacred.
Happy Epiphany!
We are all experiencing these intense astrological transits in different ways. For me, it feels like a grand compression. The kind of pressure that makes a diamond, that breaks you until you become unbreakable, or maybe just more accepting of always broken, deeply human. I’ve been feeling pushed to the core of who I am and I have been forced to face some deep emotions of my own and the collective that are coming up for healing. I’ve backed off of work and taken more time to go within and tend to my home and family.
January 10 is the Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses charge the next six months and bring about deep shifts in consciousness. (Our solar eclipse was back on Christmas.) Then comes the Pluto Saturn conjunction on January 12 at 10:46 a.m. in Moorhead, MN. As I feel into this energy, the image of Sheila Na Gig kept coming to me. She’s this creature that can be shocking, disturbing, silly, and blatantly open about her life giving yoni!
She reminded me that before Pluto was a Dark Lord of the Underworld, Pluto was the Goddess. She was the dark yoni. The cosmic egg. The void. The unknown. The place of death and rebirth. As Saturn moves towards this exact conjunction I’m trying to avoid the doomsday news (that’s always pushing us to more fear) and instead see this transit of a reunion of the Great Goddess and Her King.
Saturn is Father time. He can be cold and unfeeling about the structures he holds, sorta like Math classes for me growing up. Saturn energy is recovering from it’s own journey into AI and structures apart from the Goddess and the Sacred Elements as he was cast out with the Titans and the Old Guard when Jupiter took the front stage. But Saturn rules the structures of the cosmos, including those of the unconscious. And this conjunction is happening in the earth sign of Capricorn, with the Sun, Mercury-the trickster and transformer, Ceres-the Mother Grain Goddess, and Jupiter the heavy is sitting on the South Node of our collective past. May this conjunction bring conscious integration of sacred structures that hold the energy of love, and allow life to flow and flourish on the Earth again.
Stay tuned! We are planning this for mid to late February. We will offer an introductory teaching to Swami Kaleshwar’s work. Grant and I have been practicing these mantras for a year and a half now and we find them super helpful in clearing space, grounding, and healing. We’re looking forward to sharing more with the community soon!
I have cut back on my private sessions, I do have a few spaces still open:
I really enjoyed presenting some of my latest writings in a sermon at Unitarian Universalist Church in Fargo on Rose Sunday. Enjoy the video here.
The light in me salutes the light in you <3
Namaste, Jess