The planet Mars is moving into Scorpio tomorrow. Mars rules Scorpio, and Scorpio rules the 2nd chakra, sexuality, sensuality, deep watery feelings. Mercury has been in Scorpio retrograde and is moving through some of the darkest phases of this retrograde transit now. Mars will be bringing his fiery energy out of the last degrees of Libra-where it’s always a challenge for Mars to stay in balance. Scorpio is much more comfortable for Mars to play in his domain of sexuality, passions, secrets and taboos. (Speaking of secrets: tomorrow the new movie by Wilcock is released: The Cosmic Secret).
As potentially more dark and disturbing revelations abound, may this also be a time for our healing, particularly our sexual healing. I keep coming back to the word “grace.” It is the only reason I am here today. Not because I deserve anything. But because despite everything, I am, you are, we are all still divine kids of infinite worth. As the days grow darker until the Winter Solstice, this is a great time to slow down Goddess and do our inner work. Journal. Read. Bathe. Try some of the yoga poses below for hips and second chakra. Love yourself and your beloveds well. Note dreams and pull that awareness of your own shadow close with compassion.
December 15, Sunday morning at 11 a.m. I will be speaking on the topic of Goddess Consciousness at FM Unitarian Universalism Church.
The light in me salutes the light in you,