Weekly Oracle Forecast, July 24-30

Hello Sacred Ones,

I can't believe Sunday is here already again!  It's been a busy week of playing here with my kids. We celebrated my son's 5th birthday and we've been crafting and coloring (and working) through these hot, hot days.  It's always interesting to look back on the week and see how the card manifested in my life.  I've experienced some significant shifts in my own energy and a sense of excitement about waking up in the morning because I'm enjoying my life and all it has to offer.  That child-like joyful spirit has definitely been in our home lately.  <3  I'd love to hear what you're experiencing too!  

I have to confess, my daily 40+ minute meditations have been interrupted this week by requests for food, something to drink, money, and basically anything that involves mom's attention.  So this week I didn't get as many "downloads" from my spirit guides, though I did prepare a sermon to preach on Sunday.  (You can read it here.)  

One of my personal challenges through the years has been to create boundaries that allow for me to live a balanced life with quality time with my kids, time to work, and time to self care too. If it were up to the kids (which it's not) I would be a short order cook who stood in the kitchen 10 hours a day. When I was working full time, I didn't see my kids enough.  When my life fell apart (temporarily) in a divorce, I had to up my self care game because I was the single foundation for my kids in my home now.  With no one to hide behind, my well being was now my full responsibility.  Honestly, that was daunting.

In my healing process I learned that there's a lot of programming out there that tells women once they have children that they don't deserve their own lives anymore.  I'm not sure if it's been that way for fathers.  I feel like I have to work extra hard to have a self in a world where it would be easy to just slip away in all the busyness.  I find that when I am centered and rested as a mom, I give to my kids from a place of abundance.  When I'm running on empty, no one is winning.  I am learning that I am valuable enough to take down time to rest which ensures my children that I can show up for them modeling self respect and a self love that doesn't require one person to sacrifice everything for someone else's plans.  We can all learn to sacrifice in a more balanced way as we finally release this ancient domination/submission program that has been keeping us from realizing our inherent human dignity.  When I show my children that I respect myself, they respect me too.  And that is a win/win!

OK, this weeks card is... drum roll please...

Wow.  I have pulled this card a few times in my daily readings recently already.  St. Nicolas was a historic 4th century bishop who was known for his secret gift giving.  He is assumed to be the basis for the lore that became associated with Santa Clause.  

Let's spread some secret gifting out in the world this week!  While others are spreading violence and fear, lets spread some cheer and joy <3  

Have a great week!

Oh, and to get you in the giving spirit, here's a Christmas song <3

Speaking of generosity, here's some free gifts for you!

If you feel moved to share your generosity with TARALOMA Earth Temple, you can make a temple offering here!  The Goddesses bless you <3