Weekly Oracle Forecast, July 17-23

Hello Sacred Ones,

Welcome to a new week!  I hope you found music surrounding you last week and helping you tune in to your spiritual path.  The reading from last week gave me that push to finally get my piano tuned AND I found a piano teacher to help me grow in my song writing skills!  I'm so excited.  

The card I drew for this week is, the Child Guardian Angel (from Doreen Virtues Deck, Saints and Angels Oracle Cards)

Ah! I just preached on the hope of a child today at my parish, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church as the text for the week was the story of the strangers who visited Abraham and Sarah at the Oaks of Mamre and brought the surprising news that even in Sarah's old age, she would conceive and bare a son.  (If you're interested you can read my sermon here.)

The hope a child brings us is the promise of new life, and a whole new world.  The prophets reminded us that a little child would lead us to God, and children often do bear the face of angels themselves.  Children speak and think about the world in fresh ways that adults can learn from if we will slow down and listen to them.  

If we are feeling stuck in life, giving ourselves permission to play like a little child can help us shake off stress and come back to what's really important in life.  I like to go and climb trees with my kids when I'm getting stuck in overly serious mode.  Certainly the news is grim these days and we should be careful to shield our young ones from witnessing too much violence while we all continue to practice living in peaceful bodies and communities.

Let the children lead us with their wonder this week to remember what's most important.  See if a little child has a special message for you.  Maybe you are being called to step into the sacred work of caring for children.  Also remember to say hello to your own inner child this week and ask them what they would like to do for fun!  

Let's create a world together that gives space for the imagination of all of our children to grow and thrive together.

Coincidentally (or not) I just recently received some guidance about how to access my own inner child as I was seeking wisdom after a meditation on how to best integrate with my three kids after they had spend some time with their dad.   I was so surprised at what messages came through!

And finally, some musical inspiration for your week!  I was SO BLOWN AWAY by the talent of one of my first yoga students, Hannah Christianson who just came out with this angelic song about how we are all connected.  

Enjoy! <3 

Written by Hannah Christianson Produced by Dave Chapman and Hannah Christianson Video by Ugly Duck Studios Hair/Make-Up by Brandon Ward Costume Design by Amanda Simonelli Dancers: Ava Moreno and Miyako Tsubota Piano / Voice - Hannah Christianson Bass - Sara Peña Drums / Percussion - Ben Marino Electric Guitar - Dave Chapman Cello - Ro Rowan Recorded at The Record Company and Ugly Duck Studios.