Our culture seems to favor scientific-rationalistic ways of viewing the world, focusing on what we can see and measure as opposed to what we feel. In recent times many of us have forgotten how to read or relate to the symbolic. Many of us have left churches because the forms felt too restricting to our common sense and our Inner Teacher.
We are bombarded with information all the time as if information was the key to our salvation. But that's not the only way that we find wisdom. In fact, information without emotions and intuition can be pretty useless or even harmful.
-St. Paul
If you've lost a sense of wonder about your life and you're looking to reconnect with the mysterious wholeness of your human nature, I can help you clarify your personal myth through numerous services such as Creating Personal Rituals, Creative Healing Therapies, Dream Interpretation Mentoring or Feelings Coaching.
One simple way to begin to discover your own myth is to recall a story that captured your heart and your imagination as a child. Think about the overall arch of the story, what the hero must face, how the hero is changed and you are soon on the trail of discovering your own personal legend. When we become conscious of the stories that are being written upon us, we suddenly have a choice in the matter. What will the script of our lives be? Will we allow a fear-and-shame-based religion, a parent, an ex-lover or our deepest fears to keep us living like slaves to their unconscious voices? Or will we find the courage to wake up and follow our destiny and be the heroes and (sheros!) that we were created to be today?
Recommended Books:
The Hero's Journey, by Joseph Campbell
Memories, Dreams and Reflections, Carl Jung
A God Who Looks Like Me, Patricia Lynn Reilly
Contact me with any questions or to set up an appointment.